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LEGALCon Live 2024

Oct. 9-11
Wyndham Grand
Clearwater Beach, Fla.

Members: $1,195; each additional registrant: $995
Nonmembers: $1,495; each additional registrant: $1,295
Guests: $195
(another individual who will not attend the conference)

Register now for NRCA’s premier legal conference, which will provide you with tools and knowledge to enhance your business operations, manage risk and help propel your company to new levels of success.

You will learn from presenters who have decades of industry expertise, connect with fellow roofing professionals and earn continuing education credits. LEGALCon Live is a crucial educational experience for NRCA member and nonmember owners, CEOs, COOs, human resources professionals, safety directors, training directors, on-staff legal counsel, office managers and project managers.

Important Information

This event includes many hours of comprehensive learning designed to provide you with current legal, contractual, safety, technical and business programming information that will inspire innovative business ideas you can immediately implement.

  • Earn continuing education credits.
  • Save $200 on registration fees for each additional individual you register from your company.
  • Book your hotel reservations. (The room block closes Sept. 16.)
  • Schedule including topics and speakers.

Please contact Crystal Wukovits, manager of NRCA University, at with any questions.

We understand circumstances may arise that require you to cancel your registration. If you cancel up to 10 business days before an event, your registration fee will be refunded. If your cancellation is received 10 business days or less before an event, you may send another person in your place or receive a credit voucher to be used for another seminar during the same year. Registrants who do not cancel before the seminar or do not attend are liable for the entire registration fee. All cancellations must be in writing.

NRCA reserves the right to cancel any courses. If such a cancellation is necessary, registrants will be notified, and an attempt will be made to reschedule or make alternative arrangements. Registrants will receive a full tuition refund. NRCA is not responsible for other costs incurred.


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